What we offer
Men’s Well Being Sessions – Turn up and play fun sessions for anyone 18 plus, aimed at just getting people playing for fun and keeping fit
Mums Sessions – A fitness with a football session aimed at mums, no experience of football required, it’s just for fun and a social side that can have a fitness session and share a few drinks afterwards if they wish.
Teenage Coaching Sessions – A session for anyone who wants to become a football coach, there will be a maximum of 16 places available and all the kids involved will be mentored and taught how to coach they will lead sessions within the group and receive feedback to ensure they learn and when they are ready and if they want to gain experience we will then signpost them to a team.
Inclusive football – Offering football for all is a key part of our development plan to make us more of a community club and include everyone. We will be holding sessions dedicated to people with learning disabilities and physical disabilities that otherwise would be able to play football at a club locally.